



The Bible tells us that the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved. Acts 2:41

The church of Christ was purchased with the blood of Jesus and established on the first Pentecost after His resurrection (Acts 2:20-28). Members of the church of Christ, believe in strict obedience to God’s will, continual and systematic Bible study, and distinctive godly living (Matt. 7:21).

Here, at the 13th Street congregation, you’ll find a dedicated body of believers assembled to worship God as He has commanded us within His inspired word. Feel free to browse our site, and know that we stand ready to greet you during Sunday assembly or Wednesday evening Bible class, should you decide to attend. However, if you are already a member of the church of Christ, but new to the DC area and looking for a church home, we want you to know that there is a place for you and your family here at 13th Street.

If you’re not currently a member of the church of Christ, we would love an opportunity to sit down with you to study God’s word and His plan of salvation for you. Regular Bible study classes are listed below. Private Bible study sessions held in the comfort of your own home to accommodate special needs and circumstances can be arranged by contacting a member of our evangelism ministry.


Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30 AM
Tuesday: Noonday Prayer & Bible Study 12 PM
Wednesday: Bible Study 7:00 PM